

The principal objective of DANIO-ReCODE is to provide world-class doctoral training to a new generation of early-career researchers interested in understanding the complex and multi-layered process of vertebrate tissue regeneration. DANIO-ReCODE will combine the multidisciplinary expertise of 15 research laboratories in EU and UK to: i) exploit the regenerative capacity of the highly tractable zebrafish (Danio rerio) model system to unravel the molecular mechanisms of heart, brain, and eye regeneration; ii) understand how regulation of regeneration in zebrafish compares to other vertebrates, including mammals; iii) identify vertebrate shared pathways for targeting regenerative therapies in humans, and iv) through the integration of state-of-the-art massively parallel sequencing technologies, genome editing, computational genomics, artificial intelligence (AI), and data visualisation, generate next generation regulatory genomics resources, which will enhance the understanding of vertebrate regenerative processes, while providing new avenues for the repair or replacement of damaged or diseased cells, organs, or tissues.

Positions available

We are seeking Doctoral Candidates (DCs) with strong backgrounds in molecular and developmental biology, genomics, or computational science that are able to conduct high-quality, original research, which will contribute to the program’s scientific objectives. The DCs will participate in the structured training program offered by the DANIO-ReCODE MSCA DN, which includes academic courses, transferable skills workshops, and networking events. The DCs will follow an approved research plan and maintain steady progress toward a PhD degree, submitting regular progress reports and engaging in supervisory meetings. DCs will participate in a range of training activities established within the MSCA program, which will include hands-on training courses (wet and dry lab), soft skills training, and training in scientific and research ethics. The DCs will participate in public engagement and science outreach activities to communicate their research findings and foster public understanding of science and innovation and will present at relevant national and international conferences, workshops, or public events to share and gain feedback on their research. The DCs will follow high standards of research ethics, including research integrity, data management, and data protection and support the values of diversity, inclusivity, and non-discrimination within their research environment.

More details are available on the following link:

Project title

DC1: cis-regulation during in vivo and in vitro organ development

DC2: Epigenetic interpretation of cell extrinsic mechanical properties of zebrafish eye organoids

DC3: Deciphering Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Successful Brain Regeneration in Zebrafish

DC4: Characterization of cis-regulatory networks in cardiac muscle de- and re-differentiation in heart regeneration

DC5: Promoter architecture and usage during zebrafish, axolotl, and mouse regenerative neurogenesis

DC6: Novel approaches to integrate genomic information from model organisms into human regulatory landscapes

DC7: Identifying the gene regulatory code for regeneration

DC8: Deciphering molecular programs regulating the reversible quiescence of mammalian neural stem cells

DC9: Conversational AI for exploring complex data in tissue regeneration research

DC10: An innovative genome browser to integrate time-resolved single-cell and bulk-cell data

DC11: Novel solutions for combining multi-omics embeddings and regulatory network visualisations

DC12: Annotation, characterisation, and conservation of 3D chromatin topology in telencephalon injury

DC13: Multi-omic characterisation of transcription initiation regulation in development and injury response

DC14: Comparative epigenomics of vertebrate regeneration

DC15: Cross-species cell atlases for regeneration

How to apply

Unless specified otherwise, applicants should apply directly to the lead Principal Investigator (PI) of the project they are interested in, using the email contact provided above. Applications should include:

  • A CV
  • A motivation letter with a brief description of a recent project that the applicant has worked on
  • Academic transcripts

For general inquiries, please contact daniorecode@csic.es 

Selection process

Please note that the following rules apply:  

  1. At the time of first recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc. ) in the country of their host organisation for more than twelve months in the three years immediately before the reference date. 
  2. All researchers recruited in a DN must be doctoral candidates (i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment).



